Author Archives: jaykaybee

endangered giants

Well I won’t be able to tell you about these two causes with enough force to convince you to help out, but these two videos should give you and idea. Firstly, we have a species that is dying that is dying at an astonishing rate…

Help out:!-car_and_driver

Secondly, we have the gentle giants of the sea. Although the appear to be doing just fine, this is a rare example, and they really do need your help!

Help out:


using your eye phone

For those who aren’t that vertically inclined, myself included, here is the greatest thing ever. Well not really, but I think it’s cute. Check out what Adi Marom did with her iPhone.

For all those Firefox lovers out there, your iPhone just got a lot better. I’m basically entranced by the promo video. I wonder if the woman will actually come to my home town of Portland!

Download Firefox:


airplanes in the night sky….

Well that’s just no fun. While camping these past couple days I realized that wishing ariplanes are shooting stars is super lame. Real shooting stars are far superior. Nights under the stars are unbeatable.

Anyhoo, check out these sweet pictures taken by astronauts up at the international space station. Taken with Nikons. More at link below.

See more:

ADDITION July 23rd:

Check out this sweet UFO flying over China. It’s totally real I here. Some say it’s a rocket, but iunno.


err what?

Iphone 4 is here! But what’s the truth about it? Well watch this video to find out. I don’t understand it, but it’s hilarious.


P.S. Off camping with work for a couple nights!

otus prime

Popo the White-Faced Scops owl is definitely from outer space. Like any alien from Cybertron, Popo has taken the ability to transform his shape. Popo can actually take three forms. Many of the Transformers you may be familiar with can only take 2, so this is pretty impressive. The video was actually posted in 2008, but check out this repost.

“Transformers Owl”


young and hip

The dawn of the “Hipster” has brought on a generation of stylish youth. But we might be thinking of different generations. I’m talking about the currently pre-pubescent generation (5-10). Hoepefully I phrased that correctly. Anyways, look at these lil’ hipsters, and check out A truly great collection of well dressed chilluhn.

Did I mention this generation is great at acting?? Check out this, hilarious, reenactment of the American Revolution!!


rawr it’s a dinosawr

Run kids, the dinosaurs are coming! These dinosaur costumes are so real it’s insane. Well towards the end of the video the believability falls apart. But for the first bit it’s quite impressive. Oh those aussies, what will they think up next?


atrology with gunther

Oh Sybil Trelawney (Harry Potter series), how you dazzled them so. But now we look to a new psychic. His name is Mister Gunther and he is a master of the Zodiac world. His dry predictions never cease to amuse me. Perhaps you should go find your own destiny!


Sample (my star sign):


it’s on like donkey kong

But make your voicemail something worthwhile!


who designs cars

Average guys like you, me, and Craig Benzine. Ok well no. But if regular people did i’m sure they would think of great things like Craig. Craig – aka Wheezywaiter – employs hilarious Juno esque humor. Super dry, but ultimately funny. Oh how I would buy a Ford Fiesta now, for those Driver’s Knee Airbags.